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 Новости из Центрального Офиса

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Участников: 7
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Сообщения : 1404
Дата регистрации : 2012-07-18

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СообщениеТема: Re: Новости из Центрального Офиса   Новости из Центрального Офиса - Страница 2 Empty14.01.14 10:42

Как вы помните, в феврале проходят заседания Комитета, голосование по разным важным вопросам (как правило, именно в феврале утверждаются изменения в стандарты и т.п.).

На ближайшее заседание вынесено 2 вопроса, которые, вобщем, важны.

1. Меры против кошек, которые бьют экспертов. По новому проекту, в оценочном протоколе теперь должны отмечать не просто дисквал, а DISQ/BIT (от bite - бить) и если такая кошка получит 3 таких дисквала от разных экспертов, то ее регистрацию никогда больше не примут ни на одну выставку СФА.

c. A judge must disqualify any cat or kitten that
bites, cannot be judged in the judging ring, or
that is, in his judgment, behaving in a
recalcitrant or threatening manner. This rule
does not apply to cats after the completion of
judging of color classes. When a judge
makes a disqualification based on having
been bitten or attacked, the judge shall
record on the judging color class sheet
“DISQ/BITE,” otherwise indicate just DISQ if
the disqualification is based on recalcitrant or
threatening behavior.” (See paragraphs
11.19.c and 11.19.d)
The Central Office shall record the
DISQ/BITE on each cat. When three judges
have recorded “DISQ/BITE” for any cat
deemed to behave in a manner that injures
the judge, the cat shall never be eligible for
entry at any CFA show.

2. Ну и подготавливается общественное мнение для признания бенгалов в СФА... так что готовьтесь к пришествию на СФА всех тех людей, которые занимаются ими в России, сами понимаете, о чем я...

Prior to consideration of accepting for registration any cats with wild blood in them (e.g., Bengals), CFA would need to remove the current prohibition in our rules. The Board will discuss this at the next meeting (February, 2014).
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Заводчик девон-рексов

Сообщения : 417
Дата регистрации : 2012-08-05
Откуда : Красноярск

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СообщениеТема: Re: Новости из Центрального Офиса   Новости из Центрального Офиса - Страница 2 Empty14.01.14 12:32

Ну первое - логично. Не надо кошек с такими темпераментами на выставку водить.

Второе... хм. Ну так-то бенгалисты имеют право на это, чем эта порода хуже других пород. Хотя я всегда считала, что СФА против пород, в которых участвовали дикие животные.
Меня пугает тут одно - здоровье наших бенгалов. Да и заводчики там есть.. кхм...
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Сообщения : 1404
Дата регистрации : 2012-07-18

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СообщениеТема: Re: Новости из Центрального Офиса   Новости из Центрального Офиса - Страница 2 Empty18.12.15 13:51

Михаэль Шляйсснер о СФА выставке в Челябинске 5 декабря - это в новом выпуске Newsletter - просто повеселило, что Челябинск известен миру в связи с метеоритом. И откуда бы еще, как не из СФА, я узнала, что на флаге города верблюд!  Grin

Region 9
by Michael Hans Schleissner

Chelyabinsk is a Russian city after the Ural mountains, in
Siberia. Chelyabinsk has over 1 million citizens and is an
important place for transportation and trading. The city flag
shows a camel, a symbol from the 18th century to demonstrate the
important travel routes to transport goods east to west and
opposite direction. In current times the Trans-Siberian railway
as well trucks carries now the goods. Chelyabinsk has multiple
museums; in the zoological museum there is a real baby mammoth on
display. The zoo has international conversation programs for Amur
(Siberian) tiger, Far Eastern leopard as well Polar Bears with an
area of 30 ha is located in Chelyabinsk central. In February 2013
Chelyabinsk became known worldwide as the place where a meteor
fall on earth. The biggest remaining part with a weight of 570kg
= 1'200pounds is also placed in a museum in Chelyabinsk.
Karen Dallakyan is the local person who hosts his 2nd CFA show in
Chelyabinsk - with the CFA club Moscow Cat Fanciers and Alla
Ipatova as the knowledge leader. With 94 cats entered Chelyabinsk
really demonstrates to be competitive with other European show
locations. The CFA judges in Chelyabinsk were Michael
Schleissner, Pam Delabar, Irina Tokmakova and Donna Fuller with
guest judge Nadjeda Rumantseva and Anna Nazarova. The judges were
true impressed by the quality of the cats, as well the
presentation skills of their owners. With the help of
far-distance clerks from Moscow, Ekaterinaburg and Ukraine the
CFA show run smooth and well.
Some critical remarks were made by the CFA judges about the
safety & security of the cages - to truly compete with the best
locations the show equipment has to meet certain levels as well
CFA show rules (at least 12 cages per ring). Special thanks for
all foreign judges, who had a real travel marathon the reach
Chelyabinsk - and to reach home again - thanks to all Russian
judges to join us in Chelyabinsk. We all look forward for more
CFA news behind the Ural mountains - more CFA news from Siberia!
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Заводчик девон-рексов

Сообщения : 1352
Дата регистрации : 2012-08-29
Откуда : Санкт-Петербург

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СообщениеТема: Re: Новости из Центрального Офиса   Новости из Центрального Офиса - Страница 2 Empty19.12.15 1:35

Интересный отчет Clever_Boy
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Сообщения : 1404
Дата регистрации : 2012-07-18

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СообщениеТема: Re: Новости из Центрального Офиса   Новости из Центрального Офиса - Страница 2 Empty14.08.17 10:35

Себе памятку сделаю. Теперь СФА будет выдавать генетически подтвержденные родословные.
Цитата :
Dear all,

Last night, the Board of Directors approved a preliminary project that will evaluate the possibilities of a line extension for our existing CFA Certified pedigrees. The purpose of this preliminary project is to examine the possibility to add variety to an important " CFA product" for the sake of reaching a more diverse breeder base and entice existing CFA breeders and exhibitors with new options. The goal is not just to bring additional revenue to CFA but especially to reinforce CFA's position as the most professional cat registry in the world.

A first type of "new" pedigree could be the "Genetically Certified Pedigree", which does not only include all the current information on a cat's ancestors but which also adds the results of a genetic screening. These results include parentage and a list of genetic markers. The work of CFA's scientific committee and more in particular of Roger Brown makes it possible to certify the sire and dam of a kitten and it also gives the screening result for 124 genetic markers. I am convinced that this extra information will appeal to many CFA breeders and new owners of their kittens. It gives useful information, not only about the possible genetic outcome of future litters and the possible phenotype of your kittens but it will also allow for healthy breedings.

This is just one example of a new pedigree product that CFA might be able to offer you in a not too distant future. There may be other kinds of pedigrees that, for other reasons, may be interesting for our breeders and exhibitors worldwide. Like a pedigree printed on Gold coloured paper for our NW's and on Silver coloured paper for our RW's (just to name a few).

You are herewith invited to share any ideas you might have on this topic with us. A multidisciplinary project team will carefully look at all your suggestions and hopefully we will have exciting news for you in the near future.

Best regards,

Peter Vanwonterghem
Надеюсь, это не станет обязательным требованием... иначе цена возрастет в разы.

И еще теперь можно вместо трансферов (я так понимаю, речь о ФИФе и ВЦФ) подтверждать владение обычным подписанным договором.
Цитата :
Central Office WILL ACCEPT sales contracts and other signed agreements proving transfer of ownership. This is in addition to copies of other associations' registrations and certified pedigrees.
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